Joseph K. Horn > What's missing [in Keyman] is a FAST way to answer the question, > "What key did I assign MOD to?" > "A brain is a terrible thing to waste on a job that a machine can do." Hello all, there is a new small tool on my site, ViewKeyAsmt, which lets the 49+ do what you call "wasting of brain". It runs slightly differently from what you wish. IMHO, searching a key assigned MOD to doesn't pay. It seems better to assign menu 14 (REAL) to LS_hold_MATH. ViewKeyAsmt, assigned to a suitable dispensable key (there are some :-) does what you want. Just press the key whose suspected assignment you've perhaps forgotten. Voila, the assignment (if there is any) appears in a special viewer! Mode sensitive key assignment made professionally with Keyman are SysRPL objects. Hence, decompilation is tacidly done by MASD. ViewKeyAsmt automatically chooses ASM-> or ->S3, depending on whether the assignment is a code object or not. Not you, but the tool cares about decompilation flags. All much faster than RclKey :-) I could have included the very small ViewKeyAsmt into the assignment list offered by Keyman/More. But I didn't because everybody should decide by himself what he considers to be a convenient dispensable key. I could also have made a rompointer from it, putting IfD and IfL into a small choose box. But who likes rewriting Keyman.htm in 3 languages? ATTENTION: ViewKeyAsmt runs only with the new Keyman version 4.2004. - Wolfgang