XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RPN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Replacing algebraics by their RPN-equivalents For the HP48G[X] Calculator -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Rautenberg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ->RPN has one argument, a program or an algebraic object, to be replaced by its RPN-equivalent, see DEMO. For instance, the RPN-equivalent of the program << -> x y `(x^2+y^2)` >> is << -> x y << x 2 ^y 2 ^+ >> >> which is about 5% faster than its source. Thus, it pays to replace an algebraics occurring in a program by its RPN-equivalent which is easily done with ->RPN. The outermost program quotes are unvisible in a ->RPN output. This saves additional space. The only difference in the compilation of an algebraic and its RPN-equivalent is that the SysRPL-word SYMBOL is replaced by the SysRPL program start symbol. Thus, the time delay in executing an algebraics compared with the execution of its RPN-equivalent is surprising and hardly to explain.