XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX d2ljazz XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Simplifies library creation by JAZZ or JAZZlight (HP48G+[X]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Rautenberg ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A library can now directly be made from a directory. All necessary system variables are created in a dialog box, similar as in LIBMAN. The attachment configuration is set up automatically. The directory files may be either as usual or be stored in their disassembled readable string shape (disassembled before with JAZZ). d2l.jazz is the ideal library creation tool for users of JAZZ and makes the large D->LIB (Grevelle) superflue. For library splitting we recommend L->DIR from LIBMAN which can easily be isolated. Visible library commands appear in the order of the source directory. Note that a hidden file H is quoted in the related files as H, not as ID H. It would be no problem to extend d2ljazz also to create special and large libraries on the HP including a message table, a more sophisticated configuration set-up, etc. But this is anyway faster be done on a larger mashine.